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Ghost Immobiliser Car Explained In Fewer Than 140 Characters

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작성자 Doyle Neely 작성일24-02-03 13:03 조회16회 댓글0건


BMW Ghost Immobiliser

The Ghost uses the CAN data bus to communicate with your vehicle. This stops thieves from replacing the ECU or putting in new locks to bypass the security system.

308785165_499195788347328_58591056322685In contrast to other immobilisers, The Ghost is different from other immobilisers. Ghost doesn't use LED indications or key-fobs. Instead, it uses the buttons on your vehicle to allow you to enter a specific disarm sequence that you only know.

Stop & Start

If you have ever driven a new BMW or used the stop start feature then you may have noticed that after stopping the engine will continue to continue to run for around 30 seconds after you release the brake pedal. The BMW engine management system continues to check the vehicle for a signal coming from the ignition key. When it detects this, the vehicle will continue to run. The Autowatch 2 Ghost is a device that prevents this by stopping the vehicle whenever you press the button.

Our BMW ghost immobiliser, a new generation device, doesn't require cutting OEM wires or install keys or alarms that are made by an aftermarket company. It is connected to the BMW CAN data network and is programmed with an unique PIN code which is accessible through buttons on your car stolen with ghost immobiliser. This allows you to enter the key push sequence that isn't present in the standard menus for media, such as volume up/down and source, cruise control or air conditioning on that prevents your car from starting until this is entered. The PIN is between 4 and 20 characters, making it hard for thieves to figure out.

In addition to this we can also add a service or valet mode to the system, this is activated when the car is in for servicing to ensure that the Ghost is not visible to the garage. This can be done by pressing the service button on your infotainment system 5 times (the system will flash to confirm this) and when you return, the Ghost will automatically re-arm.

Ghost immobilisers are highly recommended for top-of-the-line vehicles. It is completely undetectable, does not require the cutting of any original factory wires, and has the ability to disable your cars engine when an incorrect pin code is entered. It is a simple, yet effective method of preventing your vehicle from being stolen even with a key that is cloned. Check out social media sites to see just how quickly new vehicles are stolen with tools for cloning that are accessible on the internet for less than PS80.

Service / Valet Mode

The Ghost is a top-of-the-line immobiliser designed to stop your vehicle from being stolen by key cloning and hacking. It works by utilising the factory buttons of your vehicle to create an unique sequence of pushes which only you can recognize, similar to like the pin code security on your mobile phone. It's subtle, extremely effective and deters even the most obstinate thieves!

If you're parked at your home or in a meet and greet situation, the Ghost can be set to service mode. This allows you to start the vehicle using your keys but prevents the engine from starting again until the correct code has been entered. This is ideal for those who need to give their vehicles to valet companies or trusted family members and friends. This lets you take your car to the garage for servicing and maintenance, or other maintenance. without having to worry that it will be tampered with by a mechanic while you wait.

Once the valet or service mode is activated, it will stop your BMW from being able to drive after it has been started. This prevents anyone from testing it whilst you are away. When you return, it will return to normal driving, stopping your car from being tampered with or stolen once again.

We can mount the Ghost to any BMW, all you need is the correct keys since the device doesn't use the original remotes, and can be used alongside them. We are TASSA-registered, DBS-security checked and fully certified in system installation. You can be confident that the installation will be done correctly and that your Ghost device will function exactly as it was intended. Your vehicle will also be registered on a database, and you will receive a certificate that you can present to your insurance company, they love these devices and often receive substantial discounts!

We also have an optional Bluetooth tag which can be used to deactivate the Ghost through an app on your phone (IOS & Android) or in the event that you don't own an iPhone or aren't happy with it just press the emergency card once. This is an additional cost and requires a separate Bluetooth pairing.


Ghost created this subtle device that is obtrusive, and unobtrusive to fight the increasing sophistication of hi-tech thieves. It is designed to stop thieves from adding a new key or replacing the ECU in order to start your car and drive away. Ghost connects to your CAN data network and uses the buttons in your vehicle (steering wheel and centre console, as well as door panels) to create a unique push sequence that requires to be completed before the engine can be started.

If the anti-hijacking mode has been activated and the engine is restarted, any attempt to restart the engine will be thwarted. When the system determines that the vehicle has stopped moving it will honk the horn and flash the indicators. If it fails to identify the correct code it will also stall the engine (where possible). The Anti-Hijack feature is cancelled by entering your push sequence or by enabling service mode, which allows your car to temporarily start and drive without having to enter your PIN.

If you own a GPS device that is connected to your BMW it can be used to cancel the Anti-Hijack feature so you can still use the navigation system in your car whilst the vehicle is parked and unattended. If you have a smart-phone you can also hook it to your Ghost app to control the anti-hijack feature and other functions.

This product is Tassa-verified and is recognized by a majority of insurance companies. It will reduce the chances of your joy and pride being stolen. It is discreet and completely unobtrusive, it will not affect the functioning of your vehicle or require any special programming skills to operate or install. It is completely undetectable by tools for detecting that thieves use and it is totally invulnerable to key cloning because it connects directly to your vehicle's CAN data network.

Remote Control

We can connect your Ghost device to your mobile application for remote control of keyless go and start functionality. This is helpful if you need to be somewhere in another location and valet or mechanic need to start your vehicle. The system allows you to start the car by selecting drive and then quit the service mode without having to use your key fobs. You can also view your vehicle's location in real-time on a map using your smartphone, which is ideal for tracking your car when on the move.

The Ghost can be installed in the dashboard area, or in the centre console. It is completely hidden and secure, and does not need any additional wiring. The device is connected to the vehicles CAN Data Network (similar to an Ethernet cable) and a personal PIN code is embedded into it. This pin code must be entered before the vehicle starts. This will prevent thieves from gaining access to the system by using a cloned or replaced ECU.

If the vehicle is stolen, the Ghost will enter service mode and shut down all functions until you have the PIN code or can use the mobile application to disable it. This is a feature that was designed to protect your vehicle from high-tech criminals who are using relay boxes to steal your car. It also prevents thieves from using their mobile phones to activate your sat-nav or MP3 player to locate your vehicle!

Ghost can also prevent 'Relay-style Frequency Amplification'. This is the most common way that a vehicle is being taken away with a key-fob that has been copied or stolen by hacking. Ghost lets you stop this theft by installing a device known as Secure-A Key inside your vehicle. The device is installed inside your vehicle's key-fob and removes the battery after a couple of minutes of inactivity, this is possible on all modern PKE key-fobs.

We are TASSA (Tracking and Aftermarket Security Systems Association) accredited, a recognised body that insurance companies recognize and offer discounts for installing the device. We are DBS security checked and have been fully trained to install Ghost. This guarantees that the work we do is completed in the highest quality. You will receive documentation that you can take to your insurance company to prove the installation. This will enable you to get the best price on your car cover.


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